+65-67766340 contact@dvtrainingsvs.com / contactdvts@gmail.com
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Contact Info

General Enquiry
  • A.Priya / D.Ananthi
  • 15A Techpark Crescent, Level -2,
    Singapore – 637844.
  • +65-67766340
  • +65-67766346
  • contact@dvtrainingsvs.com / contactdvts@gmail.com
Safety Course Enquiry
  • A.Priya / D.Ananthi / P.Aarthy
  • 15A Techpark Crescent, Level -2,
    Singapore – 637844.
  • +65-67766340 / +65-97732736
  • contact@dvtrainingsvs.com / contactdvts@gmail.com
Welding Course Enquiry
  • D.Veera / A.Priya
  • 15A Techpark Crescent, Level -2,
    Singapore – 637844.
  • +65-67766340 / +65-97732738
  • contact@dvtrainingsvs.com / contactdvts@gmail.com
Feedback To Management
  • D.Veera
  • 15A Techpark Crescent, Level -2,
    Singapore – 637844.
  • +65-65149183 / +65-97732738
  • management@dvtrainingsvs.com or dvtsmanagement@gmail.com

(DV Training management welcome your feedback anything related to training facilities, about trainers, about customer services issue you may inform to the management. We will take necessary action immediately)

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