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About Us

Who We Are

DV TRAINING SERVICES PTE. LTD. was established on October 2010. We are providing Environmental, Safety & Health Training and Consultancy Services.

DVTS understands that in Singapore Safety has given prime importance in all workplaces. So Safety is essential and basic for each and every outdoor as well as indoor workers working in the industries such as Shipyard, Construction, Metal work & Oil and Petrochemical industries. We are providing high quality of training in accordance with Singapore Ministry of Manpower standards.

DV TRAINING SERVICES PTE. LTD. is providing effective and quality of training through constant up gradation of information, technology and processes. DVTS provides mandatory WSH training courses for local and foreign workers.

At the end of the course, the participants should be able to recognize the safety & health hazards in work place, know the preventive measures to be adopted, and the importance of observing safety signs and safe work procedures. Also our aim is to educate workers on their rights and responsibilities.


DVTS is empowering each employee to be proactive in supporting continuous improvement. Management will work together with our employees to improve organizations Quality Management System.

DV TRAINING SERVICES PTE. LTD. always tries to beyond our commitments. DV Training Services Pte. Ltd. has developed and implemented a quality management system in order to document the company’s best business practices, better satisfy the requirements and expectations of its customers and to improve the overall management of the company.

The quality management system of DV Training Services Pte. Ltd. meets the requirements of the international standard ISO 29990:2010. This system addresses the design, development, production, installation and servicing of the company’s products. We got the ISO 29990:2010 for the learning services provider for non formal education with SAC at January 2015.

This manual describes the quality management system, delineates authorities, inter relationships and responsibilities of personnel responsible for performing within the system. The manual also provides procedures or references for all activities comprising the quality management system to ensure compliance to the necessary requirements of the standard.

This manual is also used externally to introduce our quality management system to our customers and other external organizations or individuals. The manual is used to familiarize them with the controls that have been implemented and to assure them that the integrity of our quality management system is maintained and focused on customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.

Overall as of December 2018 we trained more than 1, 25,000 students

DV Training Services Pte Ltd conducting the Ministry of Manpower and SAC approved Accredited Training Provider for Shipyard industry, Construction industry, Oil & petrochemical industry & Metalwork industry.

DV Training Services Pte Ltd conducting the Ministry of Manpower and SAC approved Accredited Training Provider for Shipyard industry, Construction industry, Oil & petrochemical industry & Metalwork industry.

Type of industrial training providing:

Workers level courses, Supervisors level courses, Manager level courses & Professional level courses

Welding training

Welding training for 3G, 4G, 6G in the process of SMAW, GTAW, SMAW + GTAW.

Customaries Training

We are providing all kind of customaries course such as Work at heights related, Scaffolding related courses, and other theory class and practical class for worker, supervisor, manager & professional level courses as per the customer requirement.


Innovate and continuously improve management systems to provide consistent quality of training to beyond our commitment. Achieve at least 75%. Continuously improve products, services, and processes to anticipate and exceed the needs of our customers. Customer satisfaction should achieve at least 75%. Provide adequate information to the trainees in the understandable method of training to make them successful in their future. We should achieve 85% of passing rate in an average of all courses. Through good customer service and quality of education overall customer satisfaction ratio should achieve at least 80% in an average.


To provide adequate infrastructure and a comfortable learning environment. To harness the power of technology to adopt innovative teaching methods. To focus on an effective Quality Management System. To conceive, collate and deliver quality inputs for students to understand the importance of safety in work place before start work and to provide consistently, the highest quality of educational services.


Our journey is Total Quality Management--fully satisfying our customers’ requirements through a process of continuous improvement in the quality of training and through good customer services. We will provide quality of training through constant up gradation of information, technology and processes. It is a long term commitment aimed at continuously improving our quality & standard. Our goal is to provide safe and peaceful life for employees and customers.

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